
Treating skin growth & rosocea with  Homeopathy

I came to Homeopathy because I was getting extremely red cheeks & I had a growth on my face as well as red marks which were due to sun damage. I had been treating the red on my face with something from the doctors for years but it was irritating my skin and making it even redder.

The ointment would make the growth go after a few weeks & then it would always start to grow back again. The GP watched the growth get bigger & assured me that it was nothing to worry about. I eventually asked to see a consultant skin specialist. When I went to hospital to see the specialist she told me that the only thing they could do to help me was to give me an even stronger cream for my skin.

However because it was stronger, it would irritate my skin more & make me even redder and my skin more irritated & itchy. Regarding the growth on my cheek she said I needed to learn to live with it & love it. I was very upset by that because I didn’t love it at all. People used to pint out to me that I had something on my face thinking that I could clear it off. I was extremely aware of it right in the middle of my cheek. I asked the consultant whether Homeopathy may help it & she said that it wouldn’t, that there was no proof that Homeopathy could help at all.

I was short of money & didn’t follow up my idea of Homeopathy for a few months. But finally I could stand it no longer & thought it was worth a try. I had tried Homeopathy once before & it had not agreed with me very well. However this time I am delighted to say it has been a huge success & I am absolutely delighted with the result. It took a few months and a few visits to a delightful Homeopath and now I have no growth on my cheek at all!

My cheek started to improve immediately. The growth got a bit smaller & it was so exciting!! My skin was noticeably softer and bit by bit the red lessened and finally the last piece of growth fell off. I was amazed & absolutely delighted. If it starts to come back again at all, then I shall go straight back for more of the same treatment. I wish this could be on the NHS (UK) so that we could all have access to such marvellous treatment.

A Cook – Feb 07


Psoriasis is a disease of the altered immune system, calling for internal treatment. Conventional doctors prescribe cortisone and immunosuppressive medicines. Homeopathy offers a safe, gentle & effective treatment for obstinate & stubborn skin diseases, including psoriasis.

Psoriasis is an obstinate skin condition in which red patches of various sizes develop on the skin that are covered with dry, silvery scales. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that got its name from the Greek word meaning, “itch.”

In psoriasis the skin becomes inflamed and red eruptions appear on the surface of the skin that begin to itch excessively. These areas form thickened areas (plaques) that are covered with silvery scales over the reddened lesions. The skin at the joints may crack. Homeopathic treatment for Psoriasis has been found to be extremely effective.

Newsflash – Friday 20th February, 2009  – New research from Germany has concluded that the skin condition psoriasis can be eased with homeopathy thus improving quality of life.

The study involved over 80 patients who had suffered the condition for the last 15 years and received conventional treatments.

After a course of homeopathy, severity of the condition improved as did quality of life. There was also a reduction in the need for conventional treatment meaning the need for healthcare resources were also reduced.

How does Homeopathy work?

– It stimulates body’s own healing process
– It works at root level and restores deviated immunity back to normalcy.
– It works by addressing the genetic tendencies

– Homeopathy uses natural medicinal substances in ultra-minute quantity rendering a treatment that is extremely effective yet absolutely free from any side-effects whatsoever.


How much time does it take?

Psoriasis is an obstinate and chronic disease. There is no shortcut to its cure.

The length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors:

  • Duration of Psoriasis
  • Areas affected. Affection of scalp and nails takes longer.
  • Extent of spread (Psoriasis only on skin is easier to treat. Joint affection (Psoriatic Arthritis)  is relatively difficult to treat.)
  • Previous medication (Extensive use o oral cortisone may delay the course of treatment)
  • General health and associated diseases

Most patients observe positive results in about 3 to 6 weeks.

Psoriasis most often occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, palms, and soles of the feet. However, no area of the skin is exempt, including the genital area. The disease may also affect the fingernails and toenails, and the soft tissues inside the mouth. About 15 percent of people with psoriasis have joint inflammation that produces arthritis symptoms. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis.