One in six couples find it hard to conceive, but many people are unaware that a variety of complementary therapies could give those looking to start a family a helping hand.

Scientific evidence shows that a range of alternative therapies including homeopathy & nutrition may help boost fertility. Homeopathy may help encourage conception by bringing the body back into balance at a physical, emotional & mental level.

With people working harder and becoming more stressed it can take longer to get pregnant. Helping the body to cope with the demands of modern life  with good diet, regular sleep & complimentary medicines such as Homeopathy may help to support the body & improve fertility.

Homeopathy for fertility
Homeopathic remedies – made from minerals and plants – are diluted down thousands of times so that each remedy contains only a hint of the original essence.

Homeopathy can help men with a variety of fertility problems.

There is a strong body of evidence to show that homeopathy aids fertility. A German clinical trial showed twice as many women taking Homeopathy fell pregnant compared to those not taking the drug. In another German study more than half of women with fertility problems experienced improved ovulation or pregnancy after taking a homeopathic remedy.

Here in Australia a number of Homeopaths are helping couples to improve their ovrall health, lifestyle & fertility  with combined Homeopathy, nutritional & lifestyle advice.

Lifestyle Factors and Infertility
If you are trying to become pregnant it might be a good idea to take a close look at your lifestyle. Certain lifestyle factors can interfere with a couple’s ability to conceive. Environmental hazards, dietary practices, and poor overall health tend to have a negative influence on both female and male fertility. Sometimes, simple changes to your lifestyle can help to increase your fertility and help you to conceive.

Alcohol and Infertility
Most of us know by now that alcohol and pregnancy just don’t mix. Alcohol consumption is not recommended at all during pregnancy and for good reason – it can cause serious birth defects and may trigger fetal alcohol syndrome. When you are trying to conceive, it is also important to limit your alcohol consumption or cut out those alcoholic beverages altogether. Alcohol can have detrimental effects on your fertility, making it more difficult to become pregnant. Men who regularly drink alcohol are also at risk for experiencing fertility problems, including:

  • reduced testosterone levels
  • reduced sex drive
  • problems with sperm motility & morphology

Cigarette Smoking
Cigarette smoking can be a tough habit to quit, but if you are trying to become a parent , now is a great time.Men who are smokers are also compromising their fertility. Male smokers increase their risk of:

  • chromosomal abnormalities within their sperm
  • erectile dysfunction

Environmental Hazards
Sometimes the environment around you can actually interfere with your ability to become pregnant. Toxic fumes, lead, and other poisons can cause serious fertility problems, especially if you are exposed to them on a daily basis. Try to avoid:

  • pesticides
  • herbicides
  • fungicides
  • paint fumes
  • radiation
  • chemical cleaners or solvents

If you work in an industry that requires you to come into daily contact with any of these chemicals, speak with your health care provider about how your job may be affecting your future fertility.

Environmental Oestrogens
Environmental oestrogens can affect the hormone levels in your body, negatively influencing your fertility. Your body produces its own estrogen to help regulate ovulation and menstruation. However, it also gets extra synthetic or plant estrogens from food items, plastic containers, and other types of food packaging. Too much estrogen can throw your reproductive cycle out of whack. This can make conception difficult, so it is a good idea to try to limit the amount of environmental estrogens that you take in.

Nutrition is of the utmost importance when you are trying to become pregnant. A healthy and balanced diet can go a long way to boosting your fertility and increasing your chances of conception. A healthy diet that provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals will ensure that you are in proper physical health to have a baby. If your nutrition is lacking, your body may feel that it isn’t prepared to become pregnant, and therefore you may experience infertility. Some foods to avoid while you are trying to conceive include:

  • artificial sweeteners
  • caffeine
  • food additives, like MSG
  • contaminated food or water

Stress can also play a role in fertility issues. If you are under extreme levels of stress, your body can begin to behave in irregular ways. Stress often triggers a change in the regular hormonal balance. This could make ovulation, menstruation, and conception more difficult. When you are trying as a couple to conceive , aim to be as stress-free as possible. Great ways to reduce your stress include exercise, yoga, and meditation