
If you’re in the UK this August do make time to visit Helios Pharmacy who have some items of Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathic medicine, on display at their Tunbridge Wells Pharmacy. These exhibits are on loan from The Hahnemann House Trust. As many of you will be aware, German physician Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of homeopathy. He became convinced that medical treatments in his day such as bloodletting and the use of mercurial drugs did more harm than good and looked for gentler ways to treat patients. Through research and self-experimentation Hahnemann developed the central philosophy behind Homeopathic medicine: the principal of “like cures like” or the “law of similar” – that which can cause symptoms in a healthy individual can cure those symptoms in the sick when given in a homeopathic dose.

In this month’s edition we have some great testimonials from individuals who have experienced this “like curing like” principle. Thank you to everyone who has taken time to write & share their experience of Homeopathy since our last newsletter. We’ve not room to include them all here but have published 3 brief summaries to give an indication of the breadth of support Homeopathy may offer.

Listen to Nick Taylor ARH UK Member on why he is a Homeopath. Listen here. His views are shared by many of us who support & watch families, children & their children grow & develop healthy immune systems with Homeopathic Medicine.

Several pieces of research have come to light including a study on children from the UK (Article 2) & also research from USA showing the impact on nanoparticles when exposed to Homeopathic potentised remedies. Proof for the sceptics!

NHMRC continue to contest Homeopathy’s effectiveness, despite substantial research in Europe to the contrary & the backing of several European Governments of Homeopathic Medicine. Read more below in article 1 & if you’re in a position to help please follow link to Aurum Project.

For a long time we have known about the exposure of the young brain to harmful chemicals, article 3 summarises research from the University of Illinois confirming this.

Additionally Glutathione has been identified as a master anti-oxidant in the body as well as the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system. Read more from Dr Mark Hyman in article 6 and if you’re interested in supporting your Glutathione levels ask me when you next see me or e-mail me Jane@janelindsay.com.au.

Finally, if you enjoy being outdoors and have always wanted to explore Mt Coot-Tha Gardens, may I encourage you to join Les Kendall “Artist in Residence” at Mt Coot-Tha & her monthly Sunday am painting workshops. 8.30am for 2 hrs, no experience needed (more below in article 6).

Yours in Health & Homeopathy
Testimonial Corner

A) Obstinate & painful constipation in young children

“All has been going really well. We finished the Homeopathic remedy last Saturday, and since then my 21 month year old daughter, has had a bowel motion just about every day, if not, every 2nd. All have been passed with ease and are of good consistencies (not dry and hard as previously).
Thank you so much for all of your care & advice. I have been so impressed with the good results we have experienced when using Homeopathics with my daughter and feel really fortunate to have found such a knowledgeable practitioner.”

B) Recurrent Mouth rash in 6 year old…

“After 4 years of seeing paediatric specialists my son continued to have severe eruptions around his mouth with various diagnosis & many forms of treatment prescribed, which did not prevent this reoccurring. Since commencing Homeopathic treatment 6 months ago there has been no further break outs, my son is happier & more engaging than previously – It’s a miracle – Thank you Homeopathy”

C) Chronic fatigue – Female feels fantastic

“I am stunned at how much better I am feeling, peaceful – I am feeling like a normal mother & able to engage in “normal” things which previously I was unable to participate in. I am shocked at how well I am feeling! I have seen so many different practitioners & tried so many different therapies over the years but the difference Homeopathy has made is like nothing else”

NHMRC Review – In Focus
Who assessed the evidence on homeopathy?

The evidence review on which the Information Paper was based was commissioned by the NHMRC, but conducted by Health Technology Analysts Pty Ltd (trading as Optum).

The NHMRC’s Homeopathy Working Committee, described as ‘a committee of experts’ played a crucial role, overseeing the process and giving external input on Optum’s findings. Usually such a committee would include several experts in the subject being reviewed, yet in this case the NHMRC chose not include a single person with any expertise in either homeopathy or homeopathy research. The NHMRC need to justify this highly unusual decision, particularly as the lack of relevant expertise in the team may explain why serious errors were made in how the scientific evidence was analysed. Read more here & if you can help make a donation to assist in our application to have this review assessed for ‘fair process’ please use Donation” link here.

Read more here.
Research from SOH UK
Recent studies of homeopathic treatment for children
Over the last twenty years, researchers have been asking why parents choose CAM and specifically homeopathy and how they feel this impacts on their children’s health. One factor likely to affect parental choice of CAM treatment is cost. However, although cost was a factor for parents when choosing CAM, no association was found between household income in a Bath study [5] which suggests that other and possibly stronger motivating factors, such as the qualitative experience of patient care, are equally or more important.

In the Bath study, the reasons for choosing CAM were quite varied, the chief motivating factors being word of mouth, dissatisfaction with conventional treatments, more personalised attention and having a child with a chronic condition. In another Avon study, CAM was also seen as offering a more “natural” and “holistic” approach, tailored to individual needs and overlapping with wider healthy lifestyle practices by users [6]. This was echoed in a qualitative study by Rise and Steinbeck [7] where parents viewed the homeopathic consultation as a “whole person approach,” which was in line with what they perceived as an ideal consultation for their children.

Read more here.

Common Chemicals Endanger Child Brain Health
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – 1st July 2016
In a new report, dozens of scientists, health practitioners and children’s health advocates are calling for renewed attention to the growing evidence that many common and widely available chemicals endanger neurodevelopment in foetuses and children of all ages.

The chemicals that are of most concern include lead and mercury; organophosphate pesticides used in agriculture and home gardens; phthalates, found in pharmaceuticals, plastics and personal care products; flame retardants known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers; and air pollutants produced by the combustion of wood and fossil fuels, said University of Illinois comparative biosciences professor Susan Schantz, one of dozens of individual signatories to the consensus statement.

Polychlorinated biphenyls, once used as coolants and lubricants in transformers and other electrical equipment, also are of concern. PCBs were banned in the U.S. in 1977, but can persist in the environment for decades, she said. The new report, “Project TENDR: Targeting Environmental NeuroDevelopment Risks,” appears in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives..

Read more here.
Global Research & American Update
A dozen independent research laboratories across the globe have made an historic discovery. Every one of these labs has found various nanostructures, including source and silica nanoparticles in every remedy they have tested, in every potency examined.

As you may be aware, these findings are extremely important because they rebut the ancient claim that remedies are nothing but plain water. In fact, it appears that homeopathy may in fact be the first form of nanomedicine ever discovered.

The American Institute of Homeopathy has volunteered to write an open letter to the medical community to draw attention to these findings, and in light of the dangerous rise in antibiotic resistance, to encourage a reconsideration of homeopathy as at least an adjunct treatment option for the dangerous period that lies before humankind. That letter can be downloaded here.

An Open Letter From Concerned Physicians Regarding Antibiotic Resistance was signed in July & collated by AIH – America and the world face a crisis.

It is now estimated that antibiotic resistant infections may kill an estimated 10 million people a year and cost the world’s economies some $100 trillion annually1 by the year 2050. Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization has recently stated that Earth may be approaching a time “when things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill.”

Solutions to this looming crisis must be found and found quickly. As some of America’s leading integrative medicine specialists, we believe it is time to look anew at a modality called homeopathic medicine.

Why homeopathic medicine?

As physicians, we are the first to acknowledge that the diagnostic and surgical tools of conventional medicine are scientific marvels – truly extraordinary and life saving. However, it is also a well-documented fact that many of the drugs currently used by conventional medicine carry risks that are often unacceptable, and in the case of bacterial infections – increasingly ineffective.

Mark Hyman, MD Practicing physician
It’s the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease – yet you’ve probably never heard of it. It’s the secret to prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease. There are more than 89,000 medical articles about it – but your doctor doesn’t know how address the epidemic deficiency of this critical life-giving molecule…

What is it? I’m talking about the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system: GLUTATHIONE (pronounced “gloota-thigh-own”).
The good news is that your body produces its own glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione..

This leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and cancer. And your liver gets overloaded and damaged, making it unable to do its job of detoxification. If you’re interested in knowing more about Glutathione & supplementation that may assist in your body’s production of Glutathione e-mail me Jane@janelindsay.com.au.

More info here.

A year in the Garden with Lesley Kendall at Mt Coot-Tha Gardens
Drawing in the Mount Coot-tha Botanical gardens
A walking and drawing workshop is to be held on the last Sunday of every month. Meet at the information kiosk at the entrance to the Mount Coot-tha Botanical Gardens at 8.30am for two hours. No art experience is necessary. Experience the beautiful garden with all your senses. Bring a sketch pad, pencil or pen, a hat and some water. If you feel more comfortable taking photographs bring your camera.

This month it will be on Sunday 28th August then Sunday 25th September. It is a little chilly at the moment but the gardens are lovely early in the morning.

I look forward to meeting you. If you have any queries please contact me. Les – Mobile: 0419 006 896 Website: www.lesleykendall.com
Homeopathy for the Home Workshopss

Homeopathic Medicine for everyday Illnesses, Accidents, Children & Babies. Detox your Medicine Cabinet!

An overview of the history of Homeopathy & common Homeopathic Medicines

Date: Friday 12th August 2016
Day Course: 10.00am 3.30pm. Fee $85 inc. hand-outs
Presented by: Jane Lindsay MAHA AROH

Call 07 3040 2310 to reserve your place with $20 deposit

West End Natural Therapies Centre , 11A Sussex Street, West End Qld 4101
www.Janelindsay.com.au | E: jane@janelindsay.com.au


Homeopathic Medicine for everyday Illnesses, Accidents, Children & Babies. Detox your Medicine Cabinet!

An overview of the history of Homeopathy & common Homeopathic Medicines

Date: Thursday 18th August & separate course will take place on Thursday 15th September
Day Course: 9.30am 2.30pm. Fee $85 inc. hand-outs
Presented by: Jane Lindsay MAHA AROH

Call 07 3368 1300 or 07 3357 4990 to reserve your place

Registered Homeopath at Bardon Counselling & Natural Therapy Centre
151 Boundary Road,
www.Janelindsay.com.au | E: jane@janelindsay.com.au

Date TBC

Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birthing, Babies & Beyond
Expressions of interest Jane@janelindsay.com.au

Course Overview

  • To give an overview of Homeopathy, its principles, history & philosophy

  • To discuss “Health” & “Disease” – fertility, pregnancy & childbirth

  • Common ailments & homeopathic medicines for pregnancy

  • Homeopathy to facilitate easy labour, positive birthing experience & post-partum recovery

  • The first few weeks – what to expect & medicines to help with breastfeeding, fatigue, emotional changes & baby colic, reflux, teething, nappy rash, eczema, sleep issues.

  • Childhood immunity & childhood illnesses

Dates: TBC
Day Course: 9.30am 4.00pm
Venue: TBC
Fee: $85

What to bring – Any questions in relation to your pregnancy, birthing expectations. Something to share for lunch/morning tea.

Contact: 07 3368 1300 to reserve your place – $25 depositor Email Jane@janelindsay.com.au

Do check out our AHA QLD website for more info on Homeopathy in Queensland, here.
Jane Lindsay Registered Homeopath. Licensed NES Practitioner – 07 3368 1300
Bardon Counselling and Natural Therapy Centre, 151 Boundary Road, Bardon Qld 4065, www.janelindsay.com.au

Disclaimer: The information we provide and comments we make are from the homeopathic perspective. They are not necessarily endorsed by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Aude Sapere and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Aude Sapere. Please see a trusted healthcare practitioner for advice on health problems